Developing digital learning material

Entertainment / Media

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn”
– This powerful quote by Benjamin Franklin can be termed as the philosophy of my life too. The strive to learn and earn knowledge in life deep rooted my curiosity in eLearning development and deployment. Learning is a biggest trait a human being should adopt for a constant gratification in life. This urge to learn and let others learn too has motivated me to make education accessible to one and all with the latest technological developments prevailing. I have always been fervent about free and open source tools and also my proficiency in radio and television background has facilitated in comprehending the content development and delivery medium. My inputs as a coach and trainer in many national and regional level ed tech tools workshops have benefited many teachers. My ultimate goal in life is to enable every teacher as techno friendly by empowering them with ICT skills to match with the modern teaching era.
Sushumna Rao Tadinada
Founder – CEO